
Hello wonderful world!

My name is Stephanie and sending out snail mail is one of my absolute favourite things to do. I named this blog Living Free because, for the first time ever, I have free time to focus on my own hobbies. I also believe that, through letter writing, we are able to live free by sending our innermost thoughts out into the world. Writing and sending letters allows us the opportunity to travel, meet people and learn about new cultures without leaving our homes.

Some other things that I like are tea, chocolate and stickers! I lived and worked in Seoul off and on since 2009. Many of the stationery, postcards and stickers that I have are from Korea. I’ve also tried to bring back some of the Korean language with me. I’m still a beginner but study when I can. Being back in Canada is great, but I do hope to visit Korea again someday. It sure is a magical place.

Peace and love,


  1. Hello Stepahnie!

    In the spirit of creating a blogging community and learning more about you I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. I’m quite new to these things and hope this doesn’t turn you off or anything. I have a few questions for you and hope you’ll be able to answer and share your thoughts.

    You can find more about the Liebster Award and your nomination over at this post of mine: http://heyjayel.com/2014/04/25/liebster-award-nomination-from-karuna/

    Thank you for your time! I really appreciate it 🙂

  2. Hi Stephanie!

    I just nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award! (See my most recent post). Feel free to accept if you wish. 🙂

    I’m writing my letter to you today so it’ll be mailed out at some point this week. 🙂

  3. Wow…I can’t believe I found someone who loves snail mail as much as me, if not more! 😀

  4. snail mail ! I love it 🙂 Did you also write little notes to your friends in middle school ? That was always fun, folding them into cute little works of art all on its’ own.

    Your friends must totally love your hand written notes.

  5. Ohhh you bet! I was that kid who would be passing notes in science class haha! I have kept quite a few of those folded notes in a shoebox in my closet. It would be interesting to look at them now actually. These days I really enjoy sending mail all over the world to pen pals and through two snail mail websites. Some of my pen pals from Korea let me write to them in hangul so I get to practice! But most of them are just to spread joy to others. ❤ Who doesn't love getting something other than bills in their mailbox, right? 🙂

  6. How fun that you have cute stationary from Korea! I’ve been looking on eBay for a lot of cute stationary ❤ Do you or have you ever bought from there? If so, please share! Anyways, I'm excited to do some snail mailing with you!!

  7. We love letter writing too! We still send birthday cards, Christmas cards and postcards through the post 🙂 Who doesn’t LOVE receiving something in the mail that is NOT a bill??

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