Month: November 2014

A great surprise from Gabrielle

Last week I received this letter from Gabrielle out west. She decorates each envelope so beautifully. The paper used is so delicate and her handwriting is exquisite. She also enclosed this old book card. Those born pre 90s will remember that we had to write our names on this card to sign each book out. Surprisingly, my younger friend had no idea what this was. Thank you Gabrielle, for your letter… But also for bringing back old memories with this extra gift!


Lots of Outgoing Letters

Today I’m sending out 8 cards. It’s been a while! I’ve finally had some time to sit down and write.

5 international, 2 domestic (Canadian) and 1 US. Sending to Debbie in the UK, Renate in Germany, Tanja in Slovenia, Rachel in South Korea and Thea in Australia. Then to Amber and Gabrielle, fellow canucks and Sarah in the US.

Soon to come… All the incoming mail i’ve received. Snail mail can be slow and we may not always get a response on time but it’s well worth the wait when we do get it, right? Thanks to all my very awesome and very patient pen pals!

